Thursday, February 26, 2009

Having It Both Ways From Condoms To Abortion

Here is a post by Justin Taylor that summarizes Frank Bekwith's  problems with President Obama's very nuanced position on abortion. There is little doubt that our President has sought  (for some time now) to have it both ways on the issue of abortion. I remember attending Rick Warren's conference on HIV ministry and the church, at Saddleback. The conference was held just after Obama had been elected to the US Senate. This same disturbing trend was present then with his nuanced position on STD prevention. Then Senator Obama said it was not right to condemn someone for life for a bad decision, and thus he supported the distribution of condoms. However, if asked (and he was) Obama would state that he was for abstinence. If you are interested in reducing STD's then I could understand but if the goal was to eradicate HIV and other STD's then there is only one way for this to happen. As followers of Christ we must be willing to bear the scorn of our culture in order to be clear that sex between a man and a woman in the context of marriage is God's intent for our sexual expression. We also should be prepared to fight the temptation to appease on the issue of abortion. Reducing abortions is not our Goal Mr. President, eradicating them is! Let us pray that God will grant believers the moral clarity and conviction to speak as clearly as Bekwith and many others, on this issue. Please read the post above, it is well worth your time.

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